* Everything you need to get your root journey started!Īnd of course, Root Check is one sexy beast of an app! 😉 * Learn root terminology, such as fastboot, flash, ROM * Provides a helpful root & custom ROM guide Root Check is a great tool for anyone who is interested in becoming, or is a root Android user. It also provides helpful information about root and ROMs for Android. The sole purpose of the app is to determine whether or not a device has root access. NOTE: Root Check does not root your device and does not modify any system files. Made with 100% pure Android love for root users! Got root or a custom ROM? Root Check lets you know if your Android is rooted for root access and custom ROM installation. Magisk comes with plenty of new features to enjoy mods and options that were not available before.Got root, superuser? Root Check verifies if your Android device is rooted.

Now you also have Magisk, another root access utility that you install on rooted phones now. Earlier it used to be as simple as checking the apps list for the Superuser or SuperSU apps. The method to gain full root access on Android devices has changed over the years. Not just this, it also does a quick check of Superuser or SuperSU app is working without any problems or not. If you are ever concerned that someone else might have installed root access on your Android phone, this app can check and confirm this for you. And you know it is completely safe because it has been used by over 50 million Android devices. This is a free app that does what it says by the name. Root Checker allows you to verify root access (supersu or su) permissions are configured properly or not.

And it also checks if BusyBox is installed or not on your phone. This app provides a quick way to check and verify if you followed all the instructions correctly. This tool verifies if you successfully performed the tutorial or made a mistake.

Over the years, we have published thousands of tutorials on rooting Android phones and tablets. This guide will help you verify root access on your Android phone with an app called Root Checker.